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Communities in NUV Institutional Digital Repository
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Academic Publications
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NUV - Scholarly Publications
It contains documents related to this sub-community
Business and Law
It contains documents related to this sub-community
Conference Paper
It contains all document related to this collection
Journal Paper
It contains all document related to this collection
Education and Liberal Arts
It contains documents related to this sub-community
Book Chapter
It contains all document related to this collection
Conference Paper
It contains all document related to this collection
Journal Papers
It contains all document related to this collection
Engineering and Technology
It contains documents related to this sub-community
It contains all document related to this collection
Book Chapter
It contains all document related to this collection
Conference Paper
It contains all document related to this collection
Journal Papers
It contains all document related to this collection
It contains documents related to this sub-community
Conference Paper
It contains all document related to this collection
Journal Papers
It contains all document related to this collection
Scholarly Publications
It contains documents related to this sub-community
Business and Law
It contains documents related to this sub-community
Conference Paper
It contains all document related to this collection
Journal Papers
It contains all document related to this collection
Education and Liberal Arts
It contains documents related to this sub-community
Book Chapter
It contains all document related to this collection
Conference Paper
It contains all document related to this collection
Journal Papers
It contains all document related to this collection
Engineering and Technology
It contains documents related to this sub-community
Book Chapter
It contains all document related to this collection
Conference Paper
It contains all document related to this collection
Journal Papers
It contains all document related to this collection
It contains documents related to this sub-community
Conference Paper
It contains all document related to this collection
Journal Papers
It contains all document related to this collection
Annual Reports
It contains documents related to this communisty
Annual Reports
Annual Reports of Navrachana University, Vadodara
Knowledge Corner
NUV Books
It contains documents related to this community
Law and public policy
The Interface Between Law and Technology
NUV Conference Proceedings
It contains documents related to this communisty
National Conference on Innovating for Development and Sustainability, 2015
NUV in Media
It contains documents related to this Community
NUV in Media
NUV Videos
It contains documents/Videos related to this community
It contains videos related to this Sub-community
It contains videos related to this collection
Lecture Series
It contains videos related to this Sub-Community
Lecture Series
It contains videos related to this collection
NUV Conference Videos
It contais videos related to this Sub-community
National Conference on Innovating for Development and Sustainability, 2015
NUV Events
It contains videos related to this Sub-Community
NUV Events
It contains videos related to this collection
Students' Creations
It contains videos related to this Sub-Community
Students' Creations
It contains videos related to this collection
It contains videos related to this Sub-community
It contains videos related to this collection
Question Papers
End semester examination question papers
School of Business and Law
It contains documents related to this community
Semester I - Business Accounting
Semester I - Business Organisation
Semester II - Financial Management
Semester II - General Science
Semester III - Business and Economic Environment
Semester III - Business Communication
Semester III - Business Law
Semester III - Environment Science
Semester III - Financial Management - II
Semester III - Human Resource Management
Semester III - Quantitative Techniques - II
Semester III - Sociology
Semester II - Macroeconomics
Semester II - Marketing Management
Semester II - Marketing Management 2
Semester II - Principles of Management
Semester II - Quantitative Techniques I
Semester I - IT in Management
Semester I - Marketing Management - I
Semester I - Microeconomics
Semester I - MS Excel and Its Application
Semester I - Psychology
Semester IV - Business Planning
Semester IV - Business & Regulatory Environment
Semester IV - International Business
Semester IV - International Trade Theories
Semester IV - Organization Behavior
Semester IV - Production & Operations Management
Semester I - Written Analysis Communication
Semester V - Brand Management
Semester V - Budgeting and Costing
Semester V - Business Planning
Semester V - Business Research Methods
Semester V - Compensation Management
Semester V - Corporate Finance
Semester V - Critical Reasoning
Semester V - Cross Culture Human Resource Management
Semester V - Customer Relationship Management
Semester V - Enterprise Management System
Semester V - Entrepreneurship Management
Semester V - Financial Markets
Semester VI - Advertising & Promotion
Semester VI - Banking and insurance
Semester VI - Business Strategy
Semester VI - Consumer Behavior
Semester VI - CSR & Ethics
Semester VI - Ethics for Business
Semester VI - Export and Import Management
Semester VI - Industrial Marketing
Semester VI - Labour Laws & Legislation (Theory)
Semester VI - Performance Management
Semester VI - Portfolio Management
Semester VI - Small and Medium Enterprise Management
Semester VI - Strategic Human Resource Management
Semester V - Project Management
Semester V - Recruitment and Selection
Semester V - Sales management
Semester V - Social Media Marketing
Semester V - Supply Chain Management
Semester V - Training and Development
Semester I - Business Organization
Semester I - English - I - Written Analysis Communication
Semester II - Civil Procedure
Semester II - Comparative Public Law
Semester II - Constitutional Law - I
Semester II - Financial Management
Semester III - Business and Economic Environment
Semester III - Constitutional Law - I
Semester III - Constitutional Law II
Semester III - Criminal Law-I (IPC)
Semester III - Human Resource Management
Semester III - Law of Contract - II
Semester III - Quantitative Techniques 1 & 2
Semester II - IT in Management
Semester II - Law of Contract - I
Semester II - Macro Economics
Semester II - Principles of Management
Semester I - Law of Tort with Motor Vehicles and Consumer Protection Act
Semester I - Legal Methods
Semester I - Marketing Management
Semester I - Micro Economics
Semester IV - Constitutional Law - II
Semester IV - Family Laws
Semester IV - international Trade and Business
Semester IV - Interpretation of Statutes
Semester IV - Jurisprudence
Semester IV - Organizational Behavior
Semester IX - Corporate Governance & Competition Law
Semester IX - Intellectual Property law
Semester IX - Law & Technology
Semester IX - Taxation Law
Semester V - Company Law - I (Corporate Law - I)
Semester V - Criminal Law - III
Semester V - Critical Reasoning
Semester V - Family Law - I
Semester VI - Civil Procedure Code
Semester VI - Corporate Law - II (Corporate Governance, Competition Law, IBC & Entrepreneurship)
Semester VI - Criminal Law - II
Semester VI - Family Law - II
Semester VII - Business Policy and Strategic management
Semester VII - Criminology, Penology & Victimology
Semester VIII - Alternative Dispute Resolution
Semester VIII - Drafting Pleading & Conveyancing
Semester VIII - Environmental Laws
Semester VIII - Health Laws
Semester VIII - Media Law
Semester VII - Labour and Industrial Law - II
Semester VII - Law of Evidence
Semester VI - Interpretation of Statutes
Semester VII - Penology and Victimology
Semester VII - Professional Ethics and Accountancy for Lawyers
Semester VII - Public International Law and Human Rights
Semester VI - Labour and Industrial Law - I
Semester VI - Labour Law - I
Semester V - Law of Evidence
Semester V - Professional Ethics
Semester V - Property Law
Semester X - Banking and Insurance Law
Semester X - Conflict of laws
Semester X - Foreign Trade & FDI
Semester X - Immigration Laws
Semester X - Maritime Law
Semester II - International Trade & Investment Law
Semester II - Law of Intellectual Property
Semester II - Legal Framework of Dispute Resolution
Semester I - Analytical Communication
Semester I - Computer Applications in Management
Semester I - Financial Accounting & Reporting
Semester II - Cost and Management Accounting
Semester II - ERP with MIS
Semester II - Financial Management
Semester II - Human Resource Management
Semester III - Advertising and Promotion
Semester III - B2B Marketing
Semester III - Banking and Insurance
Semester III - Business Policy and Strategic Management
Semester III - Business Research Methods
Semester III - Ecommerce & Digital Markets (2021)
Semester III - Entrepreneurship
Semester III - GD and PI Skills
Semester III - HR Planning, Recruitment and Selection
Semester III - Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
Semester III - Logistics Management
Semester III - Performance Management
Semester III - Portfolio Management
Semester III - Quality Management
Semester III - Research Methodology
Semester III - Supply Chain Management
Semester III - Talent Acquisition and Management
Semester II - Macro and Indian Economic Policy
Semester II - Marketing Management
Semester II - Maths for Management
Semester I - Individual and Group Dynamics
Semester II - Operations Research
Semester II - Production & Operations Management
Semester I - Legal Aspects of Business
Semester I - Managerial Economics
Semester I - Managerial Oral Communication
Semester I - Operations Management - I
Semester I - Organisational Behaviour
Semester I -Principles of Management and Business Environment
Semester I - Quantitative Techniques
Semester I - Social Immersion Project
Semester IV - Compensation Management
Semester IV - Corporate Finance
Semester IV - Derivative
Semester IV - Employee Engagement
Semester IV - Enterprise Resource Planning
Semester IV - Export and Import Management
Semester IV - HR Analysis
Semester IV - Managing Industrial Relations
Semester IV - Organization Change and Development
Semester IV - Project Management
Semester IV - Service Marketing
Semester IV - Training & Development
School of Engineering and Technology
It contains documents related to this collection
All Branch
Semester I - Applications of Database Management Concepts
Semester I - Applications of Programming Concepts and Algorithms
Semester I - Basics of Communication
Semester I - Computer Networks-I
Semester I - Database Management Concepts
Semester I - Data Communication and Computer Networks
Semester I - Digital Computer Architecture
Semester II - Discrete Mathematics
Semester III - Applications of Data Structures and Algorithms
Semester III - Applications of .NET Technologies
Semester III - Applications of RDBMS
Semester III - Computer Networks - II
Semester III - Data Communication and Computer Networks
Semester III - Data Structures and Algorithms
Semester III - .NET Technologies
Semester II - Introduction to Database Management System
Semester III - Presentation Skills
Semester III - RDBMS
Semester III - Relational Database Management System
Semester III - Software Engineering
Semester III - Statistics
Semester I - Introduction to Computers
Semester II - Object Oriented Programming
Semester II - Open Source Development Concepts
Semester I - Mathematical Foundations
Semester I - Programming Concepts and Algorithms
Semester I - Programming Concepts and Algorithms
Semester IV - Advanced Web Technologies
Semester IV - J2EE Technologies
Semester IV - Mobile Technology
Semester IV - Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Semester IV - Software Testing Basic
Semester IV - System Analysis and Design Using O-O Methodology
Semester IV - Web Development with .NET
Semester V - Android Technologies
Semester V - Applications of Android Technologies
Semester V - Applications of Software Testing Basics
Semester V - Cloud Computing
Semester V - Computer Graphics & Image Processing
Semester V - Inhouse Project
Semester V - Introduction to ERP
Semester V - Introduction to Operating System
Semester V - Management Information System
Semester V - Mobile Computing
Semester V - Operating System Concepts
Semester V - Software Testing Basics
BSc-Data Science
Semester I - Databases and My SQL
Semester II - Communication-II
Semester II - Foundations in Statistics
Semester III - Data Visualization using Tableau
Semester III - Discrete Mathematics
Semester III - Elective-I ( Econometrics)
Semester III - ID course
Semester III - Operation Research
Semester III - Regression Analysis and Bayesian Statistics
Semester III - R Programming for Data Science
Semester I - Linear Algebra
Semester I - Management
Semester I - Multivariable Calculus
Semester I - Python Programming
Semester I - Statistics-I
Semester IV - Cloud Computing
Semester IV - Data Analytics using Hadoop
Semester IV - Environment Science
Semester IV - Image Processing
Semester IV - Machine Learning
Semester IV - Optimization Techniques
Semester V - Artificial Neural Networks
Semester V - Big Data
Semester V - Entrepreneurship
Semester V - Internet of Things for Data Analytics
Semester V - Numerical Methods and Simulation
Semester V - Research Methodology
Semester V - Soft Computing
B Tech Civil Engineering
Semester II - Building Planning and Drawing
Semester III - Fluid Mechanics - I
Semester III - Solid Mechanics
Semester III - Surveying
Semester IV - Fluid Mechanics - II
Semester IV - Theory of Structures-I
Semester IV - Transportation Engineering-I
Semester V - Design of Structure - I
Semester VI - Advanced Design of RCC Structures
Semester VI - Design of Structures II
Semester VI - Geotechnical Engineering - I
Semester VI - Hydraulic Structures
Semester VII - Advanced Design of Steel Structure
Semester VII - Estimating and Costing
Semester VII - Geotechnical Engineering - II
Semester VIII - CASAD
Semester VIII - Construction Planning and management
Semester VIII - Ground Improvement and Geosynthetics
Semester VIII - Transportation Planning and Pavement Design - II
Semester VII - Transportation Planning and Pavement Design - I
Semester VI - Matrix Analysis of Framed Structures
Semester VI - Solid Waste Management
Semester V - Numerical Methods with Programming
Semester V - Theory of Structures - II
Semester V - Water Resources Engineering
BTech Computer Science and Engineering
Semester I - Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Semester I - Engineering Physics
Semester II - Digital logic design
Semester II - Engineering Mathematics - II
Semester III - Data Structures
Semester III - Discrete Mathematics
Semester III - Environmental Studies
Semester III - Introduction to Microprocessor
Semester III - Object Oriented Programming
Semester I - Introduction to Computer Programming
Semester I - Introduction to Web Design
Semester II - Problem solving using python
Semester I - Linear Algebra and Calculus
Semester IV - Computer Graphics
Semester IV - Computer Organization and Architecture
Semester IV - Design and analysis of algorithms
Semester V - Advanced Web Technology
Semester V - Computer Networking
Semester V - Computer Organization and Architecture
Semester V - Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Semester VI - Artificial Intelligence
Semester VI - Big Data Analytics
Semester VI - Cloud Computing
Semester VI - Compiler Design
Semester VI - Cyber Security
Semester VII - Big Data Analytics and Data Science
Semester VII - Cloud Computing
Semester VII - Enterprise Resourse Planning
Semester VII - Entrepreneurship
Semester VII - Management Information System
Semester VI - Information Security
Semester VII - Research Methodology
Semester V - Mobile Application Development - Using Android and iOS
Semester V - Operating System
BTech Electrical and Electronics
Semester I - Applied Mechanics
Semester I - Communication I : Thing through Reading and Writing
Semester I - Digital Computer Architecture
Semester I - Engineering Chemistry
Semester I - Engineering Graphics
Semester I - Entrepreneurship
Semester I - Environment Science
Semester I - High Voltage Technology (Core Elective-I)
Semester II - Analog Electronics and Circuit Theory
Semester II - Basics of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Semester II - Engineering Physics
Semester III- Digital Electronics
Semester III - Electrical Machines I
Semester III - Mathematics III
Semester III - Network Theory
Semester III - Signals and Systems
Semester I - Inter Disciplinary Elective-II
Semester I - Mathematics I
Semester IV - Electrical and Electronics Measurement
Semester IV - Electrical Machine - II
Semester IV - Electro-magnetic Field theory
Semester IV - Microcontroller
Semester V - Control System
Semester V - Electronics Communication And Networking
Semester V - Elements of Power System
Semester V - Environmental Studies
Semester VI - Analog Circuit and Sensors
Semester VI - Electrical Power System II
Semester VI - Fundamentals of Internet of Things
Semester VII - Electrical Machine Design-I
Semester VII - High Voltage Engineering
Semester VIII - Electrical Machine Design - II
Semester VIII - Renewable Energy Sources
Semester VII - Power Systems Operation & Control
Semester VII - Switchgear and Protection
Semester VI - Power Electronics and Drives - II
Semester V - Power Electronics and Drives 1
BTech Information Technology (IT)
Semester V - Advanced Java Programming
Semester V - Cloud Computing
Semester V - Entrepreneurship
Semester V - Fundamentals of IoT
Semester VII - Business Analytics
Semester VII - Compiler Design
Semester VII - Data Analysis on Cloud Platform
Semester VII - Distributed Computing
Semester VII - Industrial IoT
Semester VII - IoT on Cloud Platform
Semester VII - Marketing Management
Semester VII - Moral Values & Ethics
Semester V - Introduction to Data Science
Semester V - Kernel Programming
Semester V - Mathematics for Machine Learning
Semester V - Microcontroller & its Applications
Semester V - Operations Research
Semester V _ Principles of Management
Semester V - Python for ML & Data Science
Semester V - System Modelling
B Tech Mechanical Engineering
Semester III - Engineering Metallurgy
Semester III - Fluid Mechanics - I
Semester III - Numerical Methods and Computer Programming
Semester III - Strength of Material
Semester II - Mathematics - II
Semester II - Thermodynamics
Semester IV - Automation and Control System
Semester IV - Fluid Mechanics - II
Semester IV - Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines - I
Semester IV - Machine Design - I
Semester IV - Manufacturing Technology - I
Semester V - Energy Conversion - I
Semester V - Engineering Measurement and Metrology
Semester V - Heat and Mass Transfer
Semester VI - Advance Welding Technology
Semester VI - Energy Conversion - II
Semester VII - Fluid Machines
Semester VI - Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
Semester VI - Machine Design - II
Semester V - Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines II
Semester V - Manufacturing Technology - II
MTech Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)
Semester I - Advanced Computer Networks
Semester I - Advanced Database Management Systems
Semester I - Advanced Data Structures
Semester I - Cyber and Information Security
Semester I - Data Science using advanced Python Programming
Semester III - Cloud Computing Concepts
Semester III - Data Analytics
Semester I - Internet of Things
MTech Power System Engineering (in Electrical & Electronics)
Semester I - Advanced Power System
Semester I - Advanced Switchgear and Protection
Semester I - Advanced Switchgear and Protection laboratory
Semester I - Dynamic Analysis and Performance of Electrical Machines
Semester I - Optimization Techniques
Semester I - Power System Management and Planning
MTech Structural Engineering (in Civil)
Semester I - Advanced RCC Design
Semester I - Advanced Solid Mechanics
Semester I - Computer Aided Structural Analysis and Design
Semester I - Earthquake Engineering
Semester III - Advance Foundation Engineering II
Semester I - Numerical Methods
Semester I - Prestressed Concrete
MTech Thermal Engineering (in Mechanical)
Semester I - Design of Pumps
Semester I - Finite Element in Fluid and Heat Transfer
Semester I - Fuels & Combustion
Semester I - Low Temperature Systems
Semester I - Research Methodology
Semester I - Thermal Aspects of Composite Materials
School of Environmental Design and Architecture
It contains documents related to this collection
Semester I - History and Theory I
Semester II - Environment Science II
Semester II - History and Theory of Architecture
Semester VII - Professional Practice 2
Semester VI - Professional Practice 1 (Architect's Ethics and Social Responsibility)
B. Landscape
School of Liberal Studies & Education
It contains documents related to this community
Semester I - Computer Applications
Semester I - English Language (Writing)
Semester I - Environmental Science
Semester I - Foundations of Psychology
Semester I - Indian Modern History
Semester I - Principles of Economics
Semester I - AD-PR-CC
Semester I - Communication I : Thing through Reading and Writing
Semester III - Business Journalism
Semester III - Urban Development
Semester I - Introduction to Journalism
Semester I - Introduction to Mass Communication
Semester I - Introduction to Psychology
Semester I - Writing for Media / Creative Writing
Semester V - Documentary Production
Semester V - Film Studies
Semester V - Research Methodology in Media
Semester I - Childhood and Growing up
Corporate Social Responsibility
Semester I - Community Organization
Semester I - Development and Economic Growth
Semester II - Corporate Social Responsibility
Semester III - Communication II
Semester III - Project Proposal Development
Semester III - Social Work Research II
Semester III - Working with Marginalized Group
Semester I - Introduction to Journalism
Semester I - Introduction to Psychology
Semester I - Introduction to Social Work and Philosophy
Semester II - Perspectives from Psychology
Semester II - Perspectives from Sociology
Semester II - Understanding Development and Economic Growth
Semester I - NGO Governance & Management
Semester I - Project Management
Semester I - Social Work Research - I
Semester I - Theory of Social Work
Semester IV - Ecology, Environment and Social Work
Semester IV - Human Resource Management
Semester IV - Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Semester IV - Labor Welfare, Labor Legislation & Industrial Relations - II
Social Policy, Public Administration & Legislation
School of Science
It contains documents related to this community
BSc Chemistry
Semester III - Abstract Algebra I
Semester III - Biochemistry II
Semester III - Carbon and Its Compounds
Semester III - Inorganic Chemistry
Semester III - Metabolism & Enzymology
Semester III - Organic Chemistry I
Semester III - Plant Structural Biology and Physiology
Semester III - Quantum Mechanics and Solid State Physics
Semester II - Matter
Semester II - Matter
Semester I - Inorganic Chemistry I
Semester V - Essential Laboratory Practices
Semester V - Introduction to Polymer Science and Engineering
Semester V - Medicinal Chemistry – I
Semester V - Organic Chemistry III
Semester V - Phase Equilibria, Chemical Kinetics & Catalysis
Semester V - Spectroscopy and Separation Techniques
BSc Chemistry, Botany & Zoology (CBZ)
Semester I - Botany Laboratory II
Semester I - Classification of Animals – I
Semester I - Communication
Semester I - Evolutionary Biology and Plant Kingdom
Semester I - Foundation in Mathematics I
Semester II - Angiosperm Morphology and Classification
Semester II - Classification of Animals - II
Semester II - English Language
Semester III - Ecology & Zoogeography
Semester III - Evolutionary Biology and Biotic Interaction
Semester III - Genetics and Cell Biology
Semester III - Inorganic Chemistry-II
Semester III - Interdisciplinary Course
Semester III - Introduction to HR and MM 1
Semester III - Organic Chemistry-I
Semester III - Plant Morphology & Anatomy
Semester III - Plant Structural Biology
Semester III - Plant Structural Biology and Physiology
Semester I - Inorganic Chemistry-II
Semester I - Principles of Management, Accounts
Semester I - Zoology Laboratory - II
Semester V - Cell Biology, Biochemistry and Genetics
Semester V - Environmental Biology and Biostatistics
Semester V - Horticulture and Plant bredding
Semester V - Physiological aspects of Biochemistry
Semester V - Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
Semester V - Taxonomy, ethology and economic zoology
BSc Chemistry, Physics & Mathematics (CPM)
Semester I - Communication I
Semester I - Elementary Calculus (Minor)
Semester I - Foundation Course in Biology - I
Semester II - Approaches & Skills of Guidance & Counselling
Semester II - Foundation course in Mathematics II
Semester III - Abstract Algebra-I
Semester III - Analog and Digital Electronics
Semester III - Inorganic Chemistry-II
Semester III - Interdisciplinary Course
Semester III - Interdisciplinary Course
Semester III - Introduction to HR and MM 1
Semester III - Introduction to HR and MM 1
Semester III - Numerical Methods
Semester III - Quantum Mechanics & Solid State Physics
Semester III - Transformations
Semester III - Vector Calculus
Semester I - Inorganic Chemistry-II
Semester I - integral Calculus and Differential Equations
Semester II - Physics II
Semester I - Matrix Theory (Minor)
Semester I - Mechanics, Elasticity and Special Theory of Relativity
Semester I - Physics I
Semester I - Principles of Management, Accounts
Semester IV - Differential Equations ODE & PDE
Semester V - Dynamics
Semester V - Linear Algebra
BSc Life Sciences
Semester I - Business Organization and Principles of Management accountancy
Semester I - Classification of Animals
Semester I - Communication I
Semester I - Computer Applications in Life Science
Semester I - Differential Calculus
Semester I - Evolutionary Biology, Taxonomy, Adaption and Association
Semester I - Foundation in Mathematics I
Semester II - Foundation course in Biology II
Semester III - Biochemistry-II
Semester III - Biomolecules
Semester III - Ethno and Economic Biology
Semester III - Human Resource Management
Semester III - Introduction to HR and MM 1
Semester III - Microbiology-I
Semester III - Plant Morphology and Anatomy
Semester I - Inorganic Chemistry
Semester I - Life Science Laboratory I
Semester I - Life Science Laboratory II
Semester I - Living world and diversity
Semester I - Microbial, Plant and Animal Physiology
Semester I - Principles of Management, Accounts
Semester I - Principles of Management, Accounts
Semester V - Biotechnology
Semester V - Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
Semester V - Defense mechanisms in plants and animals
Semester V - Food and Nutrition
Semester V - Introduction to Polymer Science and Engineering
Semester V - Medicinal Chemistry – I
Semester V - Molecular Biology and Microbial Genetics
Semester V - Molecular Biology, Endocrinology and Phytohormones
BSc Microbiology
Semester III - Microbiology I
Semester I - Microbial, Plant and Animal Physiology
Semester V - Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
Semester V - Microbial Physiology & Metabolism
Semester V - Microbial Physiology & Metabolism
Semester V - Microbiology Laboratory – IV
Semester V - Molecular Biology and Microbial Genetics
BSc MSc Biomedical Science (BMS)
Semester I - Anatomy and Physiology I
Semester I - Cell Biology
Semester I - Chemistry for Biologist
Semester I - Concepts of Biology & Basis of Life
Semester I - Effective Communication & Communication Lab
Semester I - General Microbiology & Microbial Physiology
Semester III - Alternative Medicine Systems
Semester III - Animals in Biomedical Research
Semester III - Biochemistry II
Semester III - Biochemistry II Metabolism
Semester III - Biophysics
Semester III - Ecology & Environmental Biology
Semester III - Good Laboratory Practices
Semester III - Medical Microbiology
Semester III - Molecular Biology
Semester III - Molecular Biology II
Semester III - Molecular Diagnostics
Semester III - Molecular Medicine IV
Semester III - Overview of Human diseases
Semester III - Perspective in Social Work Data Analysis
Semester III - Reproductive Biomedicine IV
Semester IX - IPR and Patenting
Semester IX - Molecular Medicine III
Semester IX - Molecular Medicine IV
Semester IX - Neurobiology III
Semester IX - Neurobiology IV
Semester IX - Public Health
Semester IX - Regenerative Biomedicine and Tissue Engineering
Semester IX - Regerative Biomedicine
Semester IX - Reproductive Biomedicine III
Semester IX - Reproductive Biomedicine IV
Semester IX - Seminar
Semester V - Bio-entrepreneurship
Semester V - Biostatistics
Semester V - Clinical Nutrition
Semester V - Genetics II
Semester VII - Bioinformatics and Data Management
Semester VII - Bioinformatics Lab
Semester VII - Biomedical Laboratory XIII
Semester VII - Biomedical Laboratory XIV
Semester VII - Developmental Biology
Semester VII - Genomics
Semester VII - Nanobiology
Semester VII - Proteomics and Metabolomics
Semester VII - Recombinant DNA technology & Genetic Engineering
Semester VII - Research Methodology
Semester VII - Stem cell and Tissue culture
Semester V - Immunology II
Semester V - IT and Biomedicine
Semester V - Neuroscience
Semester V - Toxicology and Pharmacology I
MSc Biotechnology
Semester I - Bioinformatics
Semester I - Biophysics and Biostatistics
Semester I - Cell Biology and Biochemistry
Semester I - Genetics
Semester III - Bioprocessing Technology
Semester I - Microbial Ecology and Diversity
Semester I - Plant and Animal Biotechnology
MSc Chemistry
Semester I - Analytical Chemistry Laboratory–I
Semester I - Aromaticity & Asymmetric Synthesis
Semester I - Basics of Analytical Chemistry
Semester I - Cheminformatics
Semester II - Chemical Bonding and Organometallic Compounds
Semester III - Advance Synthetic Methods
Semester III - Analytical Chemistry Laboratory–III
Semester III - Bioorganic Chemistry
Semester III - Bioorganic Chemistry
Semester III - Natural Products-I
Semester III - Natural Products-I
Semester III - Organic Chemistry Laboratory–III
Semester III - Organic Chemistry Laboratory–IV
Semester III - Organic Spectroscopy
Semester III - Patent Law, Patent Drafting and Filing
Semester III - Reagents in Organic Synthesis
Semester III - Research Methodology
Semester III - Separation Techniques II
Semester III - Spectrochemical Analysis–I
Semester III - Spectrochemical Analysis – II and Kinetic Methods of Analysis
Semester II - Management Basics
Semester I - Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory–I
Semester II - Organic Reaction Mechanisms
Semester II - Solid State Chemistry
Semester I - Organic Chemistry Laboratory–I
Semester I - Physical Chemistry
Semester I - Physical Chemistry Laboratory–I
Semester I - Physical Organic Chemistry
Semester I - Quantum Mechanics & Group Theory
Semester I - Spectroscopy
M.Sc (IT)
Semester I - Computer Applications in Chemistry
Semester III - Android
Semester II - NET with C# Programming
Semester II - Network Administration & Security
Semester II - Open Source Programming with PHP
Semester II - System Analysis and Design using O-O Methodology
MSc Life Science
Semester I - Bioinformatics
Semester I - Biophysics and Biostatistics
Semester I - Cell Biology and Biochemistry
Semester I - Computer Applications in Life Science
Semester I - Ecology and Environmental Biology
Semester I - Genetics
Semester III - Advanced Synthetic Methods
Semester III - Analytical Chemistry Laboratory–IV
Semester III - Analytical Instrumentation and Data Analysis
Semester III - Angiosperm taxonomy and bioprospecting
Semester III - Animal Biotechnology
Semester III - Animal Nutrition and Health Management
Semester III - Animals in Biomedical Research
Semester III - Biochemical Basis of Diseases
Semester III - Biodiversity, Wildlife Biology and Ethology
Semester III - Clinical Biochemistry-II
Semester III - Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory-II
Semester III - Conservation Biology and Wildlife Management -II
Semester III - Conservation Biology and Wildlife Management Lab-II
Semester III - Ecorestoration - II
Semester III - Ecotoxicology and Environmental Health
Semester III - Environmental Biotechnology
Semester III - Environmental Economics
Semester III - Environmental Legislation & policy
Semester III - Enzymology
Semester III - Global Environmental Issue
Semester III - Herbal MedicineII
Semester III - Immunology: Plant Defense Mechanisms
Semester III - Metabolism, regulation and Integration
Semester III - Microbial Biochemistry
Semester III - Nutritional Biochemistry II
Semester III - Pharmacognosy
Semester III - Plant pathology
Semester III - Plant tissue culture
Semester III - Reproductive Physiology-II
Semester III - Taxonomy, Systematics and Phylogeny
Semester III - Toxicology -II
Semester III - Toxicology & Pharmacology I
Semester I - Immunology: Health and Diseases
Semester I - Physiology and Endocrinology
MSc Microbiology
Semester I - Bioinformatics
Semester I - Biophysics and Biostatistics
Semester I - Cell Biology and Biochemistry
Semester I - Genetics
Semester III - Cell and Tissue Culture Technology
Semester III - Introduction to IPR and Patenting
Semester III - Medical Microbiology - II
Semester III - Technical Applications in Microbiology and Biotechnology
Semester I - Immunology: Health and Diseases
Semester I - Microbial Ecology and Diversity
Semester I - Plant, Animal and Microbial Biotechnology
Semester V - Molecular Biology and Microbial Genetics
Student Projects
It contains documents related to this Community
It contains documents related to this Sub-Community
BBA (2016)
It contains documents related to this collection
It's contains documents related to this sub community
Journalism (2020)
It contains documents related to this Collection
Journalism (2021)
It contains documents related to this collection
It contains documents related to this Sub-Community
MBA (2016)
It contains documents related to this collection
It contains documents related to this Sub-Community
MSW (2017)
It contains documents related to this collection
Thesis and Dissertations
It contains documents related to this Community
It contains documents related to this sub-community
It contains documents related to this collection
It contains documents related to this collection
It contains document related to this Sub-community
NUV-PhD Thesis
It contains documents related to this collection
It contains documents related to this collection
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