The goal of this power system analysis function is to give the operator information about the static security. Contingency analysis is used to calculate violations. This paper presents the overview of contingency analysis of power system is to predict the line outage, generator outage and to keep the system secure and reliable. Whenever the maximum violation is occur in power system, that line and generator is outage element. So we find the maximum violation in the system network. For the generation, transmission, and distribution system, security can be assessed using contingency analysis. This paper describes the review of the methodologies of the power flow analysis of power system network In this paper, it is discussed the review of how contingency conditions are analyzed after that according to severity of contingency a real power flow performance index (PI) sensitivity based approach and the line outage distribution factor has been used to decide optimal location of series FACTS devices
International journal of emerging technologies and applications In engineering, technology and sciences (IJ-ETA-ETS) ISSN: 0974-3588 | December 2014 | special issue Page no.183-187
IC-IKR-EMS : 07-12-2014 : Held at KITRC Kalol-382721 Gujarat , India