Abstract — In Kheralu taluka of mehsana district, people have health risk due to the excess of fluoride in the
drinking water and dietary materials. Irrigation of agricultural lands with high fluoride content has lead to rise
in accumulation of fluoride in crops. The current research investigated fluoride content in groundwater and soils
of the agricultural fields of kheralu region. Bioaccumulation of fluoride in P. typhoideum which is one of the
major crops of the region was also determined along with its bioconcentration factor. The highest concentration
of fluoride [13.6 mg/l] was found in the water sample from bore well of Malarpura. The fluoride content of rest 9
endemic villages ranged from 2.35 to 5.38 mg/l while the fluoride content in agricultural soils ranged from 30
µg/g to 342 µg/g. Fluoride accumulation in bajra was found to be in the range of 4 µg/g to 92 µg/g while its BCF
ranged from 0.02 to 0.27
IJAPRR International Peer Reviewed Referred Journal, Vol. II, Issue I, p.n. 50-54, 2015