Teacher education institution(TEI) supplies teachers to schools therefore they should collaborate with each other. Every school have different needs their motto, objectives are different Need is not uniform it differs from institution to institution and even from place to place. Need differs from state to state. Common curriculum will not serve the purpose. Seventy five percent of the courses can be made common but twenty five percent should be flexible. In this twenty five percent TEI can collaborate with school and structure the syllabus accordingly. This part should be specifically designed for institutional needs. Schools also differ children come from different socioeconomic background, different culture etc. Therefore teacher should be groomed accordingly. Student teachers should be sent to the school for internship and practice teaching to these schools so that they can gain hands on experience. Data related to probable future vacancies in different subject teachers can be collected in advance. Schools can decide salary and perks in consultation with TEI. By doing this we can overcome most of the problems faced by TEI like getting permission for practice teaching and non-cooperation from school. Schools spend huge amount to conduct interview, to appoint teachers but after collaboration these expenditures can be minimised.