Energy is the basic requirement for the development of the country. India is facing huge shortage of electricity, as total demand and supply gap more than 11 percent. Shortage of electricity needs to shift towards renewable energy like solar, wind, geothermal and others. Due to change in energy sources, it reduces the environment gas emission and provide sustainable development to the country. As per records in 2006 India has around 80000 electrified villages. To meet the electricity demand to provide electricity to every household government of India launched Jawaharlal Nehru Solar Mission with an objective to provide clean and cheap energy to every household. The objective of this plan is to generate 20 Gig watt (GW) energy by 2022. In context to achieve the target of solar energy Gujarat government, draft a plan for development of Solar Energy Park in state known as Charanka solar power park with energy generation capacity more than 500 megawatt (MW).
This paper discusses the contribution of solar energy in the economic development of India as well contribution of Gujarat in the context of solar energy with reference to Charanka Solar Park.